Council - Tuesday 25 February 2025, 5:00pm - Newport City Council Webcasts
Tuesday, 25th February 2025 at 5:00pm
Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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Cllr Paul Cockeram
Agenda item :
1 Preliminaries
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Agenda item :
2 Minutes
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Agenda item :
3 Appointments
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Cllr James Clarke
Cllr Mark Howells
Cllr Paul Cockeram
Agenda item :
4 Police Issues
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Jason White (LPA-Superintendent)
Cllr Dimitri Batrouni
Jason White (LPA-Superintendent)
Cllr Matthew Evans MBE
Jason White (LPA-Superintendent)
Cllr Chris Reeks
Jason White (LPA-Superintendent)
Cllr William Routley
Jason White (LPA-Superintendent)
Cllr Gavin Horton
Jason White (LPA-Superintendent)
Cllr Emma Stowell-Corten
Jason White (LPA-Superintendent)
Cllr James Clarke
Jason White (LPA-Superintendent)
Cllr David Fouweather
Jason White (LPA-Superintendent)
Cllr Trevor Watkins
Jason White (LPA-Superintendent)
Cllr Miqdad Al-Nuaimi
Jason White (LPA-Superintendent)
Cllr Mark Howells
Jason White (LPA-Superintendent)
Cllr Paul Cockeram
Agenda item :
5 2025/26 Council Tax and Budget
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- 04 Final Council Report
- Appendix 1 Service area budgets
- Appendix 2 Precepts and Council Tax
- Appendix 3 Council Tax Resolution
- Appendix 4 - Medium term financial plan (MTFP)
- Appendix 5 - Risk and financial resilience
- Appendix 5a - Projected Earmarked Reserves
- Appendix 6 Reserves Policy and I2T Protocol
- Appendix 7 - Budget Pressures & Investments
- Appendix 8a - List of Savings Consulted upon
- Appendix 8b - List of Savings Implemented Under Delegated Authority
- Appendix 9 - Feedback to the public consultation process
- Appendix 10 - Fees & Charges
Cllr Dimitri Batrouni
Cllr Deb Davies
Cllr Matthew Evans MBE
Cllr Paul Cockeram
Cllr Miqdad Al-Nuaimi
Cllr Paul Cockeram
Cllr John Reynolds
Cllr Emma Stowell-Corten
Cllr Rhian Howells
Cllr Laura Lacey
Cllr Jason Hughes
Cllr Paul Cockeram
Cllr Chris Reeks
Cllr Stephen Marshall
Cllr Stephen Cocks
Cllr Allan Screen
Cllr Ray Mogford
Cllr William Routley
Cllr Paul Cockeram
Cllr David Fouweather
Cllr Paul Cockeram
Cllr Mark Spencer
Cllr Phil Hourahine
Cllr Paul Cockeram
Cllr Phil Hourahine
Cllr Paul Cockeram
Cllr Phil Hourahine
Cllr James Clarke
Cllr Paul Cockeram
Cllr Yvonne Forsey
Cllr Gavin Horton
Cllr Martyn Kellaway
Cllr Paul Cockeram
Cllr Pat Drewett
Cllr Paul Cockeram
Cllr Deb Davies
Cllr Dimitri Batrouni
Cllr Matthew Evans MBE
Cllr Dimitri Batrouni
Cllr Paul Cockeram
Cllr Dimitri Batrouni
Cllr Paul Cockeram
Agenda item :
5 2025/26 Council Tax and Budget
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- 04 Final Council Report
- Appendix 1 Service area budgets
- Appendix 2 Precepts and Council Tax
- Appendix 3 Council Tax Resolution
- Appendix 4 - Medium term financial plan (MTFP)
- Appendix 5 - Risk and financial resilience
- Appendix 5a - Projected Earmarked Reserves
- Appendix 6 Reserves Policy and I2T Protocol
- Appendix 7 - Budget Pressures & Investments
- Appendix 8a - List of Savings Consulted upon
- Appendix 8b - List of Savings Implemented Under Delegated Authority
- Appendix 9 - Feedback to the public consultation process
- Appendix 10 - Fees & Charges
Cllr Paul Cockeram
Agenda item :
6 2025/26 Capital Strategy and Treasury Management Strategy
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Cllr Dimitri Batrouni
Cllr Paul Cockeram
Agenda item :
7 2025/26 National Non-Domestic Rates: Discretionary Relief - High Street Relief Scheme
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Cllr Paul Cockeram
Cllr Dimitri Batrouni
Cllr Paul Cockeram
Cllr Deb Davies
Cllr Miqdad Al-Nuaimi
Cllr Paul Cockeram
Cllr Matthew Evans MBE
Cllr Paul Cockeram
Cllr David Fouweather
Cllr Emma Stowell-Corten
Cllr James Clarke
Cllr Dimitri Batrouni
Cllr Paul Cockeram
Agenda item :
8 Amendment to Contract Standing Orders
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Cllr William Routley
Cllr Paul Cockeram
Cllr Paul Cockeram
Agenda item :
9 Questions to the Leader of the Council
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Cllr Dimitri Batrouni
Cllr Paul Cockeram
Cllr Matthew Evans MBE
Cllr Dimitri Batrouni
Cllr Paul Cockeram
Cllr Matthew Evans MBE
Cllr Dimitri Batrouni
Cllr Paul Cockeram
Cllr Mark Howells
Cllr Dimitri Batrouni
Cllr Paul Cockeram
Cllr Dimitri Batrouni
Cllr Paul Cockeram
Cllr Chris Reeks
Cllr Dimitri Batrouni
Cllr Paul Cockeram
Cllr William Routley
Cllr Dimitri Batrouni
Cllr Paul Cockeram
Cllr William Routley
Cllr Paul Cockeram
Cllr Ray Mogford
Cllr Dimitri Batrouni
Cllr Paul Cockeram
Cllr Ray Mogford
Cllr Dimitri Batrouni
Cllr Paul Cockeram
Agenda item :
10 Questions to the Cabinet Members
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Cllr Mark Howells
Cllr Rhian Howells
Cllr Paul Cockeram
Cllr Ray Mogford
Cllr Rhian Howells
Cllr Ray Mogford
Cllr Rhian Howells
Cllr Paul Cockeram
Cllr William Routley
Cllr Yvonne Forsey
Cllr William Routley
Cllr Yvonne Forsey
Cllr Paul Cockeram
Cllr Mark Howells
Cllr Deb Davies
Cllr Mark Howells
Cllr Deb Davies
Cllr Paul Cockeram
Cllr Mark Howells
Cllr Saeed Adan
Cllr Mark Howells
Cllr Rhian Howells
Cllr Paul Cockeram
Cllr Chris Reeks
Cllr Emma Stowell-Corten
Cllr Paul Cockeram
Cllr Chris Reeks
Cllr Emma Stowell-Corten
Cllr Paul Cockeram
Webcast Finished
- Minutes , 21/01/2025 Council, opens in new tab
- 03 Council Appointments Report, opens in new tab
- 04 Final Council Report, opens in new tab
- Appendix 1 Service area budgets, opens in new tab
- Appendix 2 Precepts and Council Tax, opens in new tab
- Appendix 3 Council Tax Resolution, opens in new tab
- Appendix 4 - Medium term financial plan (MTFP), opens in new tab
- Appendix 5 - Risk and financial resilience, opens in new tab
- Appendix 5a - Projected Earmarked Reserves, opens in new tab
- Appendix 6 Reserves Policy and I2T Protocol, opens in new tab
- Appendix 7 - Budget Pressures & Investments, opens in new tab
- Appendix 8a - List of Savings Consulted upon, opens in new tab
- Appendix 8b - List of Savings Implemented Under Delegated Authority, opens in new tab
- Appendix 9 - Feedback to the public consultation process, opens in new tab
- Appendix 10 - Fees & Charges, opens in new tab
- 06 Council Report - Capital Strategy and Treasury Strategy 2025-26, opens in new tab
- 07 RLHR NCC City Centre Relief Extension 2025-26 (4), opens in new tab
- 08 Amendment to CSOs, opens in new tab
- 08i Contract Standing Orders, opens in new tab
- 09 Questions to the Leader, opens in new tab

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